Carácter simplificado / tradicional
椌 español definición
(wooden mus. instr.)
Caracteres con la misma pronunciación
- 呛 : to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way);
- 戕 : to kill; to injure; Taiwan pr. [qiang2];
- 戗 : contrary; pushing against; bump; knock; used as equivalent for 搶|抢[qiang1];
- 斨 : axe;
- 枪 : pistola
- 牄 : to walk rapidly;
- 玱 : (onom.) tinkling of gems;
- 羌 : Qiang ethnic group of northwestern Sichuan; surname Qiang;
- 腔 : cavidad
- 蜣 : dung beetle;
- 跄 : walk rapidly;
- 蹡 : (manner of walking);
- 锖 : the color of a mineral;
- 锵 : tinkling of small bells;
- 镪 : sulfuric acid;