Palabra simplificada
Palabra tradicional
趋 español definición
- tender
- tender
Niveles de HSK
Caracteres con la misma pronunciación
- 伹 : clumsy and dumb; slow-witted;
- 凵 : receptacle;
- 区 : zona
- 區 : Area
- 呿 : to yawn;
- 屈 : curva
- 岖 : rugged;
- 岨 : rocky hill;
- 曲 : canción
- 砠 : rocky hill;
- 祛 : sacrifice to drive away calamity; to dispel; to drive away; to remove;
- 胠 : flank of animal; side; to pry open; to steal;
- 蛆 : maggot;
- 蛐 : cricket;
- 袪 : sleeve opening;
- 诎 : to bend; to yield; to exhaust; to stutter;
- 躯 : human body;
- 阹 : a pen; to surround;
- 駆 : Japanese variant of 驅|驱; to gallop;
- 驱 : manejar
- 麯 : yeast;
- 麴 : yeast; Aspergillus (includes many common molds); Taiwan pr. [qu2]; variant of 曲[qu1];
- 黢 : black; dark;
Palabras que contienen 趋 , por nivel de HSK
Lista de vocabulario HSK 5
- 趋势 (qū shì) : tendencia