Carácter simplificado / tradicional
𢌳 español definición
- 昫
- 昫
Caracteres con la misma pronunciación
- 夔 : one-legged mountain demon of Chinese mythology; Chinese mythical figure who invented music and dancing; Chinese rain god; surname Kui;
- 奎 : crotch; 15th of the 28th constellations of Chinese astronomy;
- 戣 : a lance;
- 揆 : consider; estimate;
- 暌 : in opposition to; separated from;
- 睽 : separated; stare;
- 葵 : sunflower;
- 逵 : crossroads; thoroughfare;
- 鄈 : place name;
- 頯 : cheekbone; protrude;
- 馗 : cheekbone; crossroads; high;
- 骙 : (of a horse) powerful; strong;
- 魁 : chief; head; outstanding; exceptional; stalwart;