តួអក្សរសាមញ្ញ / បែបប្រពៃណី
និយមន័យ 諟 ខ្មែរ
- to examine
- to judge
- to examine
- to judge
- 世 : ពិភពលោក
- 丗 : archaic variant of 世[shi4];
- 事 : រឿង
- 仕 : to serve as an official; an official; the two chess pieces in Chinese chess guarding the 'general' or 'king' 將|将[jiang4];
- 似 : ចូលចិត្ត
- 侍 : to serve; to attend upon;
- 势 : សក្តានុពល
- 嗜 : addicted to; fond of; stem corresponding to -phil or -phile;
- 噬 : to devour; to bite;
- 士 : ស៊ី
- 奭 : majestic manner; red; angry;
- 室 : បន្ទប់
- 市 : ទីក្រុង
- 式 : រូបមន្ត
- 弑 : to murder a superior; to murder one's parent;
- 忕 : accustomed to; habit;
- 恃 : to rely on; mother (formal);
- 戺 : door pivot;
- 拭 : to wipe;
- 揓 : to hold; to grasp;
- 是 : ត្រូវហើយ
- 柿 : persimmon
- 栻 : (tree);
- 氏 : ស៊ី
- 澨 : bank; shore; name of a river;
- 示 : បង្ហាញ
- 筮 : divine by stalk;
- 舐 : to lick; to lap (up);
- 莳 : to grow; to transplant;
- 螫 : to sting; also pr. [zhe1];
- 视 : អាស្រ័យលើ
- 誓 : សម្បថ
- 试 : សាកល្បង
- 谥 : posthumous name or title; to confer a posthumous title;
- 贳 : to borrow; to buy on credit; to rent out;
- 轼 : crossbar in carriage front;
- 适 : សមរម្យ
- 逝 : ស្លាប់
- 適 : suitable
- 釈 : Japanese variant of 釋|释;
- 释 : ការដោះលែង
- 铈 : cerium (chemistry);
- 饰 : តុបតែង