Carattere semplificato / tradizionale
膳 definizione italiana
- meals
- meals
Carattere con la stessa pronuncia
- 剡 : river in Zhejiang;
- 善 : bene
- 墠 : level spot for sacrifices;
- 嬗 : changes and succession;
- 扇 : fan
- 掞 : easy; quiet;
- 摲 : to cut down; mow;
- 擅 : bravo a
- 汕 : bamboo fish trap; used in names of places connected with Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2];
- 疝 : hernia;
- 缮 : to repair; to mend; to rewrite; to transcribe;
- 蟺 : earthworm;
- 謆 : to beguile; to cajole;
- 譱 : archaic variant of 善[shan4];
- 讪 : to mock; to ridicule; to slander;
- 赡 : to support; to provide for;
- 赸 : to jump; to leave;
- 鄯 : name of a district in Xinjiang;
- 骟 : to geld;
- 鳝 : Chinese yellow eel;