Carattere semplificato / tradizionale
虡 definizione italiana
- bell pendant stand
- bell pendant stand
Carattere con la stessa pronuncia
- 俱 : tutti
- 倨 : haughty; arrogant;
- 具 : con
- 剧 : dramma
- 句 : frase
- 埧 : diked pond;
- 寠 : poor; rustic;
- 屦 : sandals;
- 巨 : enorme
- 怚 : dull, stupid, suspicious;
- 惧 : paura
- 拒 : rifiutare
- 拠 : Japanese variant of 據|据;
- 据 : secondo
- 昛 : 厈
- 洰 : 𣢟
- 澽 : (name of a river in Shaanxi Province);
- 炬 : torch;
- 瞿 : startled;
- 秬 : black millet;
- 窭 : poor; rustic;
- 粔 : cakes made from rice flour twisted into rings;
- 聚 : raccogliere
- 苣 : lettuce, see 萵苣|莴苣;
- 讵 : how (interj. of surprise);
- 距 : distanza
- 踞 : to be based upon; to squat;
- 遽 : hurry; fast; suddenly;
- 醵 : to contribute to a feast; to pool (money);
- 鐻 : (mus. instr.);
- 钜 : hard iron; hook; variant of 巨[ju4]; variant of 詎|讵[ju4];
- 锯 : a saw; to cut with a saw;
- 飓 : hurricane;