อักขระตัวย่อ / ดั้งเดิม
蜈 ไทยนิยาม
- centipede
- centipede
- 吳 : 𣶒
- 吴 : Yu
- 吾 : mine, our (old)
- 呉 : Japanese variant of 吳|吴;
- 唔 : oh (expression of agreement or surprise); (Cantonese) not;
- 峿 : name of a mountain;
- 无 : ไม่
- 梧 : Sterculia platanifolia;
- 毋 : (literary) no; don't; to not have; nobody;
- 浯 : (name of several rivers in China);
- 無 : 𢦏
- 祦 : happy; used in historical names;
- 芜 : overgrown with weeds;
- 郚 : place name;
- 鋘 : to plaster; trowel;
- 铻 : hoe;
- 鹀 : bunting (bird); also pr. [wu1];
- 麌 : stag; herd;
- 鼯 : Petaurista leucogenys;