Chinese Poems

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Poem from 纪晓岚 (Ji Xiaolan), Qing Dynasty

Original Hanzi Version - click on any HSK word for more details

(Yī shàng yī shàng yòu yī shàng)

(yī shàng shàng dào gāoshān shàng)

(jǔ tóu hóng rì báiyún dī)

(wǔzhōu sìhǎi jiē yīwàng)


One step up, one step up, and another

One step up until the top of the mountain high.

Lifting my head, there are the red Sun, white clouds low

At one glance I take in the Four Seas, Five Lakes fine.

Poem: 你是人间四月天 (林徽因)- You are April on Earth (LIN Huiyin)

Original Hanzi Version - click on any HSK word for more details





绿 喜悦

期待 莲 。

喃 , — —

希望 人间

Pinyin Version

Wǒ shuō nǐ shì rénjiān de sì yuè tiān;

xiào xiǎng diǎn liàngle sìmiàn fēng; qīng líng

zài chūn de guāngyàn zhōng jiāo wǔzhe biàn.

Nǐ shì sì yuè zǎo tiān lǐ de yúnyān,

huánghūn chuīzhe fēng de ruǎn, xīngzi zài

wúyì zhōng shǎn, xì yǔ diǎn sǎ zài huā qián.

Nà qīng, nà pīng tíng nǐ shì, xiān yán

bǎihuā de guānmiǎn nǐ dàizhe, nǐ shì

tiānzhēn, zhuāngyán, nǐ shì yè yè de yuè yuán.

Xuě huà hòu nà piān éhuáng, nǐ xiàng; xīnxiān

chū fàng yá de lǜ, nǐ shì; róunèn xǐyuè

shuǐ guāng fúdòngzhe nǐ mèng qídài zhōng báilián.

Nǐ shì yī shù yī shù de huā kāi, shì yàn

zài liáng jiān nínán,——nǐ shì ài, shì nuǎn,

shì xīwàng, nǐ shì rénjiān de sì yuè tiān!

End of the poem

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