她 meaning and pronunciation

Simplified/traditional character

她 English definition

  • she or her

HSK levels

Characters with the same pronunciation

  • : he or him; (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant); (used before sb's name for emphasis); (used as a meaningless mock object); other; another;
  • : to collapse; to droop; to settle down;
  • : it;
  • : (of clothes) to be soaked with sweat;
  • : it (used for animals);
  • : he, it (pronoun used for God);
  • : inner shirt; to sew onto clothing; see also 禢[Ta4];
  • : thallium (chemistry);

Sentences examples with 她

  • 对不起,我不爱你了,我爱她!
    Duìbùqǐ, wǒ bù ài nǐle, wǒ ài tā!
  • 她去商店买东西了。
    Tā qù shāngdiàn mǎi dōngxīle.
  • 我认识她的妈妈。
    Wǒ rènshí tā de māmā.
  • 这件事和她没有关系。
    Zhè jiàn shì hé tā méiyǒu guānxì.
  • 今天是妈妈的生日,我们送一些花给她吧。
    Jīntiān shì māmā de shēngrì, wǒmen sòng yīxiē huā gěi tā ba.

Words containing 她, by HSK level