Simplified/traditional character
伙 English definition
- meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2])
- variant of 夥|伙[huo3]
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
Words containing 伙, by HSK level
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 小伙子 (xiǎo huǒ zi) : lad; young fellow; young man; young guy; youngster; CL:个
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 伙伴 (huǒ bàn) : partner; companion; comrade
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 大伙儿 (dà huǒ r) : everybody; everyone; we all
- 合伙 (hé huǒ) : to act jointly; to form a partnership
- 家伙 (jiā huo) : household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; guy (slang); chap