Simplified/traditional character
俯 English definition
- to look down
- to stoop
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 乶 : phonetic pol, used in Korean place name; see Polha 乶下[Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸鏡道|咸镜道[Xian2 jing4 dao4];
- 呒 : perplexed; astonished;
- 府 : seat of government; government repository (archive); official residence; mansion; presidential palace; (honorific) Your home; prefecture (from Tang to Qing times);
- 弣 : handle of bow;
- 抚 : to comfort; to console; to stroke; to caress; an old term for province or provincial governor;
- 拊 : pat;
- 斧 : hatchet;
- 滏 : name of a river in Hebei;
- 甫 : (classical) barely; just; just now;
- 盙 : 眔
- 簠 : basket used in state worship;
- 脯 : dried meat; preserved fruit;
- 腐 : decay; rotten;
- 腑 : internal organs;
- 蜅 : crab;
- 辅 : to assist; to complement; auxiliary;
- 郙 : ancient place name;
- 釜 : kettle; cauldron;
- 鯆 : the skate or ray;
- 黼 : (embroidery);
Words containing 俯, by HSK level
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 俯视 (fǔ shì ) : to look down at; to overlook