Simplified/traditional character
凰 English definition
- phoenix
- phoenix
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 偟 : agitated; alarmed;
- 喤 : sobbing; sound of bell;
- 堭 : a dry moat outside a city wall; a dry ditch;
- 徨 : irresolute;
- 惶 : frightened;
- 揘 : to strike; to stab;
- 湟 : name of a river;
- 潢 : dye paper; lake; pond; mount scroll;
- 煌 : brilliant;
- 熿 : brilliant;
- 獚 : spaniel;
- 璜 : semi-circular jade ornament;
- 皇 : emperor; old variant of 惶[huang2];
- 磺 : sulfur;
- 篁 : (bamboo); bamboo grove;
- 簧 : metallic reed; spring of lock;
- 艎 : fast ship; see 艅艎, large warship;
- 蝗 : locust;
- 蟥 : horse-leech;
- 遑 : leisure;
- 锽 : sound of drums and bells; trident;
- 隍 : dry moat; god of city;
- 韹 : music of bell and drum;
- 鳇 : sturgeon;
- 鷬 : black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis);
- 黄 : yellow; pornographic; to fall through;