Simplified/traditional character
制 English definition
- to manufacture
- to make
- to manufacture
- to make
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 偫 : to wait for; to lay in;
- 厔 : river bent;
- 寘 : put aside, put down; discard;
- 峙 : peak; to store;
- 帙 : book cover;
- 帜 : flag;
- 庤 : to prepare;
- 廌 : unicorn;
- 彘 : swine;
- 志 : sign; mark; to record; to write a footnote;
- 忮 : aggressive;
- 懥 : enraged;
- 挚 : sincere;
- 掷 : to toss; to throw dice; Taiwan pr. [zhi2];
- 智 : wisdom; knowledge;
- 栉 : comb; to comb; to weed out; to eliminate; Taiwan pr. [jie2];
- 桎 : fetters;
- 治 : to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); to treat (a disease); to wipe out (a pest); to punish; to research;
- 滞 : sluggish;
- 炙 : to broil; to roast;
- 猘 : mad dog;
- 畤 : ancient sacrifice;
- 疐 : prostrate;
- 痔 : piles; hemorrhoid;
- 痣 : birthmark; mole;
- 秩 : order; orderliness; (classifier) ten years;
- 稚 : infantile; young;
- 窒 : to obstruct; to stop up;
- 紩 : to stitch; to mend;
- 置 : to install; to place; to put; to buy;
- 膣 : vagina;
- 至 : to arrive; most; to; until;
- 致 : to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey;
- 蛭 : fluke; leech; hirudinea;
- 袟 : book cover;
- 觯 : goblet;
- 豸 : worm-like invertebrate; mythical animal (see 獬豸[xie4 zhi4]); radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 153);
- 質 : quality
- 质 : character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2];
- 贽 : gifts to superiors;
- 跱 : to squat; to stop;
- 踬 : to stumble;
- 轾 : back and lower of chariot; short; low;
- 迣 : to leap over;
- 郅 : extremely; very;
- 鋕 : to engrave; to record;
- 铚 : sickle;
- 锧 : (executioner's) block;
- 陟 : to advance; to ascend; to promote;
- 雉 : ringed pheasant;
- 騺 : heavy horse; horse unable to move because of twisted leg; plodding;
- 骘 : a stallion; to rise; to arrange; to stabilize; to differentiate; to judge;
- 鸷 : fierce; brutal; bird of prey;
Words containing 制, by HSK level
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 复制 (fù zhì) : to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone
- 控制 (kòng zhì) : control; to exercise control over; to contain
- 限制 (xiàn zhì) : to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit; CL:个
- 制定 (zhì dìng) : to draw up; to formulate; to lay down; to draft
- 制度 (zhì dù) : system (e.g. political, administrative etc); institution; CL:个
- 制造 (zhì zào) : to engineer; to create; to manufacture; to make
- 制作 (zhì zuò) : to make; to manufacture
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 抵制 (dǐ zhì) : to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal
- 遏制 (è zhì) : to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep within limits; to constrain; to restrain
- 节制 (jié zhì ) : to control; to restrict; to moderate; to temper; moderation; sobriety; to administer;
- 克制 (kè zhì ) : to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control;
- 牵制 (qiān zhì) : to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)
- 强制 (qiáng zhì) : to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory
- 压制 (yā zhì) : to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle
- 制裁 (zhì cái) : to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic)
- 制服 (zhì fú) : to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees); CL:套[tao4]
- 制约 (zhì yuē) : to restrict; condition
- 制止 (zhì zhǐ) : to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit