Simplified/traditional character
咹 English definition
- eh?
- eh?
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 㖾 : 𤍾
- 厄 : distressed;
- 呃 : (exclamation); to hiccup;
- 咢 : beat a drum; startle;
- 噩 : startling;
- 垩 : to whitewash; to plaster;
- 堨 : dam; to stop; check;
- 堮 : a boundary; a border;
- 崿 : cliff; precipice;
- 嶭 : elevated; lofty;
- 恶 : (wu4) to hate; to loathe; ashamed; to fear; to slander; (e4) evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse; to harm;
- 悪 : Japanese variant of 惡|恶[e4];
- 愕 : startled;
- 扼 : to grip forcefully; to clutch at; to guard; to control; to hold;
- 掠 : to take over by force; to rob; to plunder; to brush over; to skim; to sweep;
- 枙 : tree knot;
- 略 : plan; strategy; outline; summary; slightly; rather; to rob; to plunder; to summarize; to omit;
- 腭 : palate; roof of the mouth;
- 苊 : acenaphthene (C12H10);
- 萼 : stem and calyx of flower;
- 詻 : harsh; forbidding;
- 谔 : honest speech;
- 轭 : to restrain; to yoke;
- 遏 : to restrain; to check; to hold back;
- 鄂 : abbr. for Hubei Province 湖北省[Hu2 bei3 Sheng3] in central China; surname E;
- 锷 : blade edge; sharp;
- 阏 : to block; to restrain; to control;
- 阨 : defile; pass; in distress;
- 頞 : junction of nose and forehead;
- 颚 : jaw; palate;
- 餩 : hiccup;
- 饿 : to be hungry; hungry;
- 鳄 : crocodile; alligator;
- 鹗 : (Chinese bird species) western osprey (Pandion haliaetus);