Simplified/traditional character
営 English definition
- Japanese variant of 營|营
- Japanese variant of 營|营
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 嬴 : win
- 楹 : pillar;
- 滢 : clear; limpid (of water);
- 潆 : eddy; small river;
- 瀛 : ocean;
- 營 : camp
- 盈 : full; filled; surplus;
- 籯 : slender basket for chopsticks;
- 茔 : a grave;
- 荧 : a glimmer; glimmering; twinkling; fluorescence; phosphorescence; perplexed; dazzled and confused; planet Mars (arch.);
- 莹 : luster of gems;
- 萤 : firefly; glow-worm;
- 营 : camp; barracks; battalion; to build; to operate; to manage; to strive for;
- 萦 : wind around;
- 蓥 : polish;
- 蛍 : Japanese variant of 螢|萤;
- 蝇 : fly; musca; CL:隻|只[zhi1];
- 謍 : humming sound;
- 贏 : win
- 赢 : to beat; to win; to profit;
- 迎 : to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties);