Simplified/traditional character
因 English definition
- cause
- reason
- because
- cause
- reason
- because
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 喑 : mute;
- 囙 : 𣪊
- 垔 : to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound;
- 堙 : bury; mound; to dam; close;
- 姻 : marriage connections;
- 愔 : peaceful; solemn;
- 慇 : solicitous;
- 氤 : generative forces; magic emanation;
- 洇 : to soak; to blotch; to splotch;
- 溵 : used in place-names, e.g. 溵水 was once the name of the Shahe River 沙河, Henan, and 溵州 was a Tang Dynasty prefecture;
- 瘖 : mute;
- 禋 : sacrifice;
- 筃 : a kind of bamboo; old variant of 茵[yin1];
- 絪 : generative force; magic emanation;
- 茵 : mattress;
- 裀 : mat; underclothing;
- 铟 : indium (chemistry);
- 闉 : inner gates;
- 阴 : overcast (weather); cloudy; shady; Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang); negative (electric.); feminine; moon; implicit; hidden; genitalia;
- 音 : sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character);
- 骃 : iron-gray (horse);
Sentences examples with 因
Yīnwèi……xià yǔle, yīnwèi……wǒ méi qù pǎobù. -
Tā bǎ yuányīn jiěshì dé hěn qīngchǔ. -
Yīnwèi nǔlì xuéxí, tā huòdéle lǐxiǎng de chéngjī. -
Tā bǎ zhè jiàn shì de yuányīn gěi dàjiā shuōmíngliǎo yīxià. -
Wǒ yǐjīng zhǎo chū wèntí de yuányīnle.
Words containing 因, by HSK level
HSK 2 vocabulary list
- 因为…所以… (yīn wèi …suǒ yǐ …) : because… thus…; on account of…then…
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 因此 (yīn cǐ) : consequently; as a result; thus
- 原因 (yuán yīn) : cause; origin; root cause; reason; CL:个
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 因而 (yīn ér) : therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result,...
- 因素 (yīn sù) : element; factor; CL:个
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 基因 (jī yīn) : gene (loanword)