地 meaning and pronunciation

Simplified/traditional character

地 English definition


  • -ly
  • structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct

HSK levels

Characters with the same pronunciation

  • : of, ~'s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute); (used to form a nominal expression); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis);

Sentences examples with 地

  • 你要认真地做这件事。
    Nǐ yào rènzhēn dì zuò zhè jiàn shì.
  • 阿姨,附近有地铁站吗?
    Āyí, fùjìn yǒu dìtiě zhàn ma?
  • 天慢慢地黑了。
    Tiān màn man de hēile.
  • 这个地方我来过三次了。
    Zhège dìfāng wǒ láiguò sāncìle.
  • 我们先坐三站地铁,再走一会儿就到了。
    Wǒmen xiān zuò sān zhàn dìtiě, zài zǒu yīhuǐ'er jiù dàole.

Words containing 地, by HSK level