Simplified/traditional character
天 English definition
- day
- sky
- heaven
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 添 : to add; to increase; to replenish;
Sentences examples with 天
Zuótiān wǒ kàn diànshìle. -
Wǒ míngtiān zuò fēijī qù běijīng. -
Zuótiān shàngwǔ shāngdiàn kāile. -
jīntiān wǒ de péngyǒu bùnéng gōngzuò, tā zài yīyuàn! -
Míngtiān xiàwǔ xià yǔ.
Words containing 天, by HSK level
HSK 1 vocabulary list
- 今天 (jīn tiān) : today; at the present
- 明天 (míng tiān) : tomorrow
- 天气 (tiān qì) : weather
- 昨天 (zuó tiān) : yesterday
HSK 3 vocabulary list
- 聊天 (liáo tiān) : to chat; to gossip
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 礼拜天 (lǐ bài tiān) : Sunday
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 天空 (tiān kōng) : sky
- 天真 (tiān zhēn) : naive; innocent; artless
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 成天 (chéng tiān) : (coll.) all day long; all the time
- 得天独厚 (dé tiān dú hòu) : (of an area) rich in resources; (of a person) gifted or able (idiom)
- 航天 (háng tiān) : space flight
- 天才 (tiān cái) : talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted
- 天赋 (tiān fù ) : gift; innate skill
- 天伦之乐 (tiān lún zhī lè) : pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom); family love and joy; domestic bliss
- 天然气 (tiān rán qì) : natural gas
- 天生 (tiān shēng) : innate; natural
- 天堂 (tiān táng) : paradise; heaven
- 天文 (tiān wén) : astronomy