Simplified/traditional character
巧 English definition
- opportunely
- coincidentally
- as it happens
- skillful
- timely
- opportunely
- coincidentally
- as it happens
- skillful
- timely
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 愀 : change countenance; worry;
Sentences examples with 巧
Wǒ zuì ài chī qiǎokèlìle.
Words containing 巧, by HSK level
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì) : chocolate (loanword); CL:块[kuai4]
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 巧妙 (qiǎo miào) : ingenious; clever
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 技巧 (jì qiǎo) : skill; technique
- 恰巧 (qià qiǎo) : fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence