Simplified/traditional character
帄 English definition
- patch (for mending clothes)
- patch (for mending clothes)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 丁 : fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; fourth in order; letter 'D' or roman 'IV' in list 'A, B, C', or 'I, II, III' etc; butyl; cubes (of food);
- 仃 : alone;
- 叮 : sting (of mosquito, bee etc); to say repeatedly; to urge insistently; to ask repeatedly; to stick to a point; (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound;
- 玎 : jingling; tinkling;
- 疔 : boil; carbuncle;
- 盯 : to watch attentively; to fix one's attention on; to stare at; to gaze at;
- 酊 : tincture (loanword);
- 钉 : nail; to follow closely; to keep at sb (to do sth); variant of 盯[ding1];
- 靪 : to cobble; to patch;