Simplified/traditional character
徴 English definition
- Japanese variant of 徵|征
- Japanese variant of 徵|征
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 争 : to strive for; to vie for; to argue or debate; deficient or lacking (dialect); how or what (literary);
- 凧 : 𤰶
- 峥 : excel; lofty;
- 征 : to invite; to recruit; to levy (taxes); to draft (troops); phenomenon; symptom; characteristic sign (used as proof); evidence;
- 怔 : to stare blankly; startled;
- 挣 : to struggle to get free; to strive to acquire; to make (money);
- 烝 : multitudinous; the masses; to present (to sb); to rise; to advance; to progress; archaic variant of 蒸[zheng1];
- 爭 : Fight
- 狰 : hideous; fierce-looking;
- 睁 : to open (one's eyes);
- 筝 : guzheng or long zither; long zither with 13 to 16 strings, developed from guqin 古琴 during Tang and Song times; Japanese koto;
- 篜 : bamboo;
- 蒸 : to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); finely chopped firewood (old);
- 钲 : gong used to halt troops;
- 铮 : clang of metals; small gong;