Simplified/traditional character
枻 English definition
- oar
- stand for correcting a bow
- oar
- stand for correcting a bow
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 乂 : to regulate; to govern; to control; to mow;
- 义 : justice; righteousness; meaning; foster (father etc); adopted; artificial (tooth, limb etc); relationship; friendship;
- 亄 : covetous; greedy; stingy;
- 亦 : also;
- 亿 : 100 million;
- 仡 : strong; brave;
- 佚 : lost; missing; forsaken; dissolute; (of a woman) beautiful; fault; offense; hermit; variant of 逸[yi4];
- 佾 : row of dancers at sacrifices;
- 刈 : mow;
- 劓 : cut off the nose;
- 勚 : (literary) toilsome; laborious; (of an edge etc) worn out; blunt;
- 呓 : to talk in one's sleep;
- 唈 : palpitation; short breathing;
- 圛 : mist rolling upwards;
- 埶 : skill; art;
- 埸 : border;
- 奕 : abundant; graceful;
- 嫕 : compliant; yielding; easy-going;
- 屹 : high and steep;
- 峄 : name of hills in Shandong;
- 帟 : canopy;
- 廙 : yurt; (literary) respectful; prudent;
- 异 : different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising; to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate;
- 弈 : ancient name for go (Chinese board game);
- 弋 : to shoot;
- 役 : forced labor; corvée; obligatory task; military service; to use as servant; to enserf; servant (old); war; campaign; battle;
- 忆 : to recollect; to remember; memory;
- 怿 : pleased; rejoice;
- 悒 : anxiety; worry;
- 意 : idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect; to anticipate; Italy; Italian; abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4];
- 懿 : restrain; virtuous;
- 抑 : to restrain; to restrict; to keep down; or;
- 挹 : to ladle out; to dip; to pour out;
- 斁 : to be weary of;
- 易 : easy; amiable; to change; to exchange;
- 曀 : obscure; sun hidden by clouds;
- 杙 : post for tethering animals;
- 檍 : Quercus glauca;
- 殪 : to exterminate;
- 殹 : (archaic) (meaning unclear); (final particle);
- 毅 : firm and resolute; staunch;
- 泆 : licentious, libertine, dissipate;
- 浥 : damp; moist;
- 溢 : to overflow;
- 熠 : to glow; to flash;
- 熤 : (person);
- 燚 : to blaze; (used in given names);
- 燡 : blazing; radiant;
- 異 : different, strange
- 疫 : epidemic; plague;
- 瘗 : bury; sacrifice;
- 益 : benefit; profit; advantage; beneficial; to increase; to add; all the more;
- 睪 : to spy out;
- 绎 : continuous; to interpret; to unravel; to draw silk (old);
- 缢 : to hang; to strangle oneself;
- 義 : Righteousness
- 翊 : assist; ready to fly; respect;
- 翌 : bright; tomorrow;
- 翳 : feather screen; to screen; to shade; cataract;
- 翼 : wing; area surrounding the bullseye of a target; to assist; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy; old variant of 翌;
- 耴 : 殸
- 肄 : to learn; to practice or study (old);
- 臆 : feelings; opinion; thoughts;
- 艗 : bow of a Chinese boat;
- 艺 : skill; art;
- 芸 : Japanese variant of 藝|艺[yi4];
- 蓺 : skill; art;
- 薏 : Job's tear plant (Coix lacryma); erroneously called Chinese pearl barley;
- 藙 : Zanthoxylum ailanthoides;
- 藝 : art
- 蛡 : hive; honeycomb;
- 裔 : descendants; frontier;
- 裛 : to wrap and bind; damp; dripping; wet; a book bag;
- 襼 : sleeve of dress;
- 訳 : Japanese variant of 譯|译[yi4];
- 议 : to comment on; to discuss; to suggest;
- 译 : to translate; to interpret;
- 诣 : to go (to visit a superior); one's current attainment in learning or art;
- 谊 : friendship; also pr. [yi2];
- 豙 : 睘
- 豷 : breathing of pigs;
- 轶 : to excel; to surpass; to be scattered; variant of 逸[yi4], leisurely;
- 逸 : to escape; leisurely; outstanding;
- 邑 : city; village;
- 醳 : fine wine; to award with (food and drink);
- 镒 : abrasion; gold-20 taels in weight;
- 镱 : ytterbium (chemistry);
- 饐 : rancid;
- 駅 : Japanese variant of 驛|驿[yi4];
- 驿 : post horse; relay station;
- 鶂 : hawk;
- 鷾 : a swallow;
- 鹝 : pheasant; turkey; old variant of 鷁|鹢[yi4];
- 鹢 : a kind of aquatic bird;
- 黓 : black;