Simplified/traditional character
椸 English definition
- clothes-horse
- clothes-horse
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 㐌 : 茾
- 仪 : apparatus; rites; appearance; present; ceremony;
- 侇 : (old) class; category; corpse;
- 匜 : washbasin with a tubular handle;
- 咦 : expression of surprise;
- 圯 : bridge, bank;
- 夷 : non-Han people, esp. to the East of China; barbarians; to wipe out; to exterminate; to tear down; to raze;
- 姨 : mother's sister; aunt;
- 宜 : proper; should; suitable; appropriate;
- 宧 : northeastern corner of a room;
- 峓 : place name;
- 嶷 : name of a mountain in Hunan;
- 巸 : 臤
- 彝 : ancient wine vessel; ancient sacrificial vessel; Yi ethnic group; normal nature of man; laws and rules;
- 怡 : harmony; pleased;
- 恞 : happy; joyous;
- 暆 : (of the sun) declining;
- 杝 : (tree);
- 柂 : (tree);
- 栘 : shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier); name for a stable during the Han Dynasty;
- 桋 : (tree);
- 沂 : Yi River, Shandong;
- 瓵 : earthen jar;
- 疑 : to doubt; to misbelieve; to suspect;
- 痍 : bruise; sores;
- 眙 : place name;
- 移 : to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove;
- 簃 : small house connected to large one;
- 胰 : soap; pancreas;
- 袲 : place name;
- 觺 : (of animal horn) sharp;
- 訑 : arrogant; mean;
- 诒 : (archaic) to present; to bequeath; variant of 貽|贻[yi2];
- 貤 : to promote; to reward;
- 贻 : to present; to bequeath;
- 迤 : winding;
- 迻 : to shift; to transfer;
- 遗 : to lose; to leave behind; to omit; to bequeath; sth lost; involuntary discharge (of urine etc);
- 遺 : Left behind
- 酏 : elixirs; sweet wine;
- 颐 : cheek; lower cheek; chin; jaw; to nourish;
- 饴 : syrup;
- 𠤕 : 𠦝