Simplified/traditional character
歯 English definition
- Japanese variant of 齒|齿
- Japanese variant of 齒|齿
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 侈 : extravagant; wasteful; exaggerating;
- 呎 : foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m); old form of modern 英尺[ying1 chi3];
- 尺 : a Chinese foot; one-third of a meter; a ruler; a tape-measure; one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3];
- 扡 : drag along;
- 欼 : drink;
- 耻 : shame; disgrace;
- 褫 : to strip; to deprive of; to discharge; to dismiss; to undress;
- 誃 : to separate;
- 豉 : salted fermented beans;
- 齿 : tooth; CL:顆|颗[ke1];