Simplified/traditional character
浦 English definition
- river bank
- shore
- river drainage ditch (old)
- river bank
- shore
- river drainage ditch (old)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 圃 : garden; orchard;
- 普 : general; popular; everywhere; universal;
- 朴 : plain and simple; Taiwan pr. [pu2];
- 氆 : thick rough serge from Tibet;
- 溥 : extensive; pervading;
- 烳 : to travel by the light of torch;
- 誧 : huge; to admonish;
- 谱 : chart; list; table; register; score (music); spectrum (physics); to set to music;
- 蹼 : web (of feet of ducks, frogs etc);
- 镨 : praseodymium (chemistry);