Simplified/traditional character
滝 English definition
- Japanese variant of 瀧|泷[long2]
- Japanese variant of 瀧|泷[long2]
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 咙 : throat;
- 巃 : steep; precipitous (of mountain);
- 昽 : twilight; approaching light of dawn; dim;
- 栊 : bar; cage; gratings;
- 泷 : rapids; waterfall; torrential (rain);
- 珑 : tinkling of gem-pendants;
- 癃 : infirmity; retention of urine;
- 砻 : to grind; to mill;
- 窿 : cavity; hole;
- 竜 : Japanese variant of 龍|龙;
- 笼 : basket; cage; flat bamboo basket used to serve dimsum 點心|点心[dian3 xin5]; to cover; to cage; to embrace; to manipulate through trickery;
- 聋 : deaf;
- 胧 : rising moon;
- 茏 : Polygonum posumbu;
- 躘 : to walk;
- 隆 : grand; intense; prosperous; to swell; to bulge;
- 龍 : Dragon
- 龙 : dragon; CL:條|条[tiao2]; imperial;