Simplified/traditional character
猢 English definition
- monkey
- monkey
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 囫 : whole; in one lump;
- 壶 : pot; classifier for bottled liquid;
- 媩 : (used in female names) (old);
- 弧 : arc;
- 搰 : to dig; to mix;
- 斛 : ancient measuring vessel; fifty liters; dry measure for grain equal to five dou 五斗 (before Tang, ten pecks);
- 槲 : Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata); see also 槲樹|槲树[hu2 shu4];
- 湖 : lake; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4];
- 煳 : burnt; to char;
- 狐 : fox;
- 瑚 : coral;
- 礐 : (arch.) precious stone;
- 糊 : muddled; paste; scorched;
- 縠 : fine silk gauze;
- 胡 : non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2]);
- 葫 : Allium scorodoprasum; bottle gourd;
- 蝴 : butterfly;
- 觳 : ancient measuring vessel (same as 斛); frightened;
- 醐 : purest cream;
- 隺 : 𡿪
- 鶦 : pelican;
- 鹕 : pelican;
- 鹘 : falcon; migratory bird;