Simplified/traditional character
猹 English definition
- Badger-like wild animal
- Badger-like wild animal
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 垞 : mound; small hill; (used in place names);
- 察 : to examine; to inquire; to observe; to inspect; to look into; obvious; clearly evident;
- 搽 : to apply (ointment, powder); to smear; to paint on;
- 查 : to research; to check; to investigate; to examine; to refer to; to look up (e.g. a word in a dictionary);
- 査 : Japanese variant of 查;
- 楂 : fell trees; raft; to hew;
- 槎 : a raft made of bamboo or wood; to fell trees; to hew;
- 檫 : Chinese sassafras; Sassafras tzumu;
- 碴 : fault; glass fragment; quarrel;
- 茬 : stubble land after crop has been taken; a second crop obtained by rotation of land; an opportunity;
- 茶 : tea; tea plant; CL:杯[bei1],壺|壶[hu2];