Simplified/traditional character
痩 English definition
- Japanese variant of 瘦[shou4]
- Japanese variant of 瘦[shou4]
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 兽 : beast; animal; beastly; bestial;
- 受 : to receive; to accept; to suffer; subjected to; to bear; to stand; pleasant; (passive marker);
- 售 : to sell; to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc);
- 壽 : life
- 寿 : long life; old age; age; life; birthday; funerary;
- 授 : to teach; to instruct; to award; to give;
- 狩 : to hunt; to go hunting (as winter sport in former times); hunting dog; imperial tour;
- 獣 : Japanese variant of 獸|兽;
- 瘦 : thin; to lose weight; (of clothing) tight; (of meat) lean; (of land) unproductive;
- 绶 : cord on a seal;