Simplified/traditional character
眉 English definition
- eyebrow
- upper margin
- eyebrow
- upper margin
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 堳 : low wall;
- 媒 : medium; intermediary; matchmaker; go-between; abbr. for 媒體|媒体[mei2 ti3], media, esp. news media;
- 枚 : classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc; tree trunk; whip; wooden peg, used as a gag for marching soldiers (old);
- 梅 : plum; plum flower; Japanese apricot (Prunus mume);
- 楣 : lintel; crossbeam;
- 没 : (negative prefix for verbs); have not; not;
- 湄 : brink; edge;
- 煤 : coal; CL:塊|块[kuai4];
- 猸 : used for ferret, badger or mongoose; variant of 獴 mongoose;
- 玫 : (fine jade); see 玫瑰[mei2 gui1];
- 瑂 : (stone which resembles jade);
- 禖 : heir-requesting sacrifice;
- 糜 : millet;
- 脢 : meat on the back of an animal;
- 腜 : quickening of the fetus;
- 莓 : berry; strawberry;
- 郿 : ancient place name;
- 酶 : enzyme; ferment;
- 鋂 : lock; metal dog collar;
- 镅 : americium (chemistry);
- 霉 : bacteria; fungi; moldy;
- 鹛 : babbler (bird);
Words containing 眉, by HSK level
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 眉毛 (méi mao) : eyebrow; CL:根[gen1]