Simplified/traditional character
立 English definition
- to stand
- to set up
- to establish
- to lay down
- to draw up
- at once
- immediately
- to stand
- to set up
- to establish
- to lay down
- to draw up
- at once
- immediately
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 丽 : beautiful; magnificent; elegant; Korea
- 例 : example; precedent; rule; case; instance;
- 俐 : clever;
- 俪 : husband and wife;
- 傈 : Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan; see 傈僳[Li4 su4];
- 凓 : cold; frigid;
- 利 : sharp; favorable; advantage; benefit; profit; interest; to do good to; to benefit;
- 力 : power; force; strength; ability; strenuously;
- 励 : to encourage; to urge;
- 历 : to pass through; to experience; to undergo; all; each; every; history;
- 厉 : strict; severe;
- 吏 : minor government official or functionary (old);
- 呖 : sound of splitting; cracking;
- 唎 : (final particle); sound; noise;
- 唳 : cry of a crane or wild goose;
- 嚟 : used in transliteration;
- 坜 : hole, pit;
- 屴 : high mountain range;
- 悧 : smooth; active; clever; sharp;
- 悷 : sorrowful;
- 戻 : Japanese variant of 戾[li4];
- 戾 : to bend; to violate; to go against; ruthless and tyrannical;
- 暦 : Japanese variant of 曆|历[li4];
- 枥 : type of oak; stable (for horses);
- 栃 : archaic variant of 櫪|枥, oak; type of tree in ancient books; stable (for horses);
- 栎 : oak; Quercus serrata;
- 栗 : chestnut;
- 栵 : hedge;
- 欐 : beam;
- 沥 : to drip; to strain or filter; a trickle;
- 沴 : miasma;
- 浰 : to attend (official functions);
- 溧 : name of a river;
- 猁 : a kind of monkey;
- 瓅 : brilliance (pearls);
- 疠 : ulcer; plague;
- 痢 : dysentery;
- 皪 : luster (of pearls);
- 盭 : unreasonable; violent;
- 砅 : cross stream by stepping on stones;
- 砺 : grind; sandstone;
- 砾 : gravel; small stone;
- 笠 : bamboo rain hat;
- 篥 : bamboos good for poles; horn;
- 粒 : grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc);
- 粝 : coarse rice;
- 脷 : (cattle) tongue (Cantonese);
- 苈 : Drabanemerosa hebecarpa;
- 苙 : (herb); pigsty;
- 荔 : litchi;
- 莅 : to attend (an official function); to be present; to administer; to approach (esp. as administrator);
- 莉 : jasmine;
- 蛎 : oyster;
- 詈 : to curse; to scold;
- 跞 : move; walk;
- 轹 : to bully; wheel-rut;
- 鉝 : a kind of eating utensil; (old) (Italian) lira (loanword); livermorium (chemistry);
- 隶 : attached to; scribe;
- 雳 : clap of thunder;
- 鬁 : bald; scabby;
- 鴗 : Alcedo bengalensis;
- 麗 : Korea
- 𠠵 : 𥅛
- 𠩵 : 𤋱
- 𥝢 : 辥
Words containing 立, by HSK level
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 成立 (chéng lì) : to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water
- 独立 (dú lì) : independent; independence; to stand alone
- 建立 (jiàn lì) : to establish; to set up; to found; to build
- 立即 (lì jí) : immediately
- 立刻 (lì kè) : forthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly; straightway; thereupon; at once
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 创立 (chuàng lì) : to found; to establish; originate
- 对立 (duì lì) : to oppose; to set sth against; to be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical
- 孤立 (gū lì) : isolate; isolated
- 立场 (lì chǎng) : position; standpoint; CL:个
- 立方 (lì fāng) : cube
- 立交桥 (lì jiāo qiáo) : overpass; flyover
- 立体 (lì tǐ) : three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic
- 立足 (lì zú) : to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on
- 确立 (què lì) : to establish; to institute
- 设立 (shè lì) : to set up; to establish
- 树立 (shù lì) : to set up; to establish
- 中立 (zhōng lì) : neutral