Simplified/traditional character
筸 English definition
- name of a place in Henan
- name of a place in Henan
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 咁 : so (Cantonese); Mandarin equivalent: 這樣|这样[zhe4 yang4];
- 坩 : crucible;
- 尴 : embarrassed; ill at ease;
- 杆 : pole; CL:條|条[tiao2],根[gen1];
- 柑 : large tangerine;
- 泔 : slop from rinsing rice;
- 玕 : (inferior gem);
- 甘 : sweet; willing;
- 疳 : rickets;
- 矸 : a rock or cliff;
- 竿 : pole;
- 肝 : liver; CL:葉|叶[ye4],個|个[ge4];
- 苷 : licorice; glycoside;
- 虷 : worm;
- 酐 : anhydride;