Simplified/traditional character
箯 English definition
- bamboo sedan chair
- bamboo sedan chair
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 煸 : to stir-fry before broiling or stewing;
- 猵 : a kind of otter;
- 砭 : ancient stone acupuncture needle; to criticize; to pierce;
- 笾 : basket for fruits;
- 编 : to weave; to plait; to organize; to group; to arrange; to edit; to compile; to write; to compose; to fabricate;
- 蝙 : bat; also pr. [bian3];
- 边 : side; edge; margin; border; boundary; CL:個|个[ge4]; simultaneously;
- 辺 : Japanese variant of 邊|边[bian1];
- 鞭 : whip or lash; to flog; to whip; conductor's baton; segmented iron weapon (old); penis (of animal, served as food);
- 鳊 : bream;