Simplified/traditional character
粀 English definition
- decameter (old)
- decameter (old)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 丈 : measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m); to measure; husband; polite appellation for an older male;
- 仗 : weaponry; to hold (a weapon); to wield; to rely on; to depend on; war; battle;
- 嶂 : cliff; range of peaks;
- 帐 : covering veil; canopy; screen; tent; variant of 賬|账[zhang4];
- 幛 : hanging scroll;
- 杖 : a staff; a rod; cane; walking stick; to flog with a stick (old);
- 瘴 : malaria; miasma;
- 瞕 : cataract in the eye;
- 胀 : dropsical; swollen; to swell; to be bloated;
- 账 : account; bill; debt; CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3];
- 障 : to block; to hinder; to obstruct;