Simplified character
Traditional character
绘 English definition
- to draw
- to paint
- to draw
- to paint
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 㻅 : jade ornament in the seams of cap;
- 会 : can; to be possible; to be able to; will; to be likely to; to be sure to; to assemble; to meet; to gather; to see; union; group; association; CL:個|个[ge4]; a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [hui3]);
- 卉 : plants;
- 喙 : beak; snout; mouth; to pant;
- 嘒 : shrill sound; twinkling;
- 廆 : a room; the wall of a house; a man's name;
- 彗 : broom;
- 恚 : rage;
- 恵 : Japanese variant of 惠[hui4];
- 惠 : favor; benefit; to give sb property or advantage; honorific;
- 慧 : intelligent;
- 晦 : dark; night; unlucky;
- 會 : meeting
- 槥 : coffin;
- 汇 : to remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange;
- 濊 : vast; expansive (as of water);
- 烩 : to braise; to cook in soy and vinegar; braised; cooked in soy and vinegar;
- 秽 : dirt; filth;
- 絵 : Japanese variant of 繪|绘;
- 缋 : multi-color; to draw;
- 翙 : noise of bird's wings;
- 芔 : a general term for plants;
- 荟 : to flourish; luxuriant growth;
- 蕙 : Coumarouna odorata;
- 蟪 : (cicada); Platypleura kaempferi;
- 讳 : to avoid mentioning; taboo word; name of deceased emperor or superior;
- 诲 : to teach; to instruct; to induce;
- 贿 : bribe; bribery;
- 鏸 : three edged spear; (used in given names);
- 鐬 : of flourishing appearance; sound of a bicycle bell;
- 阓 : gate of market;
- 餯 : (of food) rotten and smelly;
Words containing 绘, by HSK level
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 描绘 (miáo huì) : to describe; to portray