Simplified character
Traditional character
绝 English definition
- to cut short
- extinct
- to disappear
- to vanish
- absolutely
- by no means
- to cut short
- extinct
- to disappear
- to vanish
- absolutely
- by no means
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 亅 : vertical stroke with hook' radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 6); see also 豎鉤|竖钩[shu4 gou1];
- 倔 : stubborn
- 傕 : used in old names;
- 决 : to decide; to determine; to execute (sb); (of a dam etc) to breach or burst; definitely; certainly;
- 劂 : chisel; engrave;
- 厥 : to faint; to lose consciousness; his; her; its; their;
- 噱 : loud laughter;
- 嚼 : to chew; also pr. [jue2];
- 崛 : towering as a peak;
- 戄 : to fear; to be in awe; sudden glance;
- 抉 : to pick out; to single out;
- 掘 : to dig;
- 攫 : to seize; to snatch; to grab;
- 桷 : rafter; malus toringo;
- 橛 : a peg; low post;
- 欮 : 灳
- 潏 : to bubble up;
- 爝 : torch;
- 爵 : ancient bronze wine holder with 3 legs and loop handle; nobility;
- 獗 : unruly; rude;
- 玃 : legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan, with a penchant for carrying off girls;
- 玦 : half-circle jade ring;
- 珏 : gems mounted together;
- 璚 : half-circle jade ring;
- 瘚 : to hiccup; the humours of the body;
- 矍 : to glance fearfully;
- 砄 : stone; rock;
- 絕 : Absolutely
- 絶 : Absolutely
- 臄 : palate; sausage;
- 蕝 : coarse grass used to show rank;
- 蕨 : Pteridium aquilinum; bracken;
- 蟨 : the Siberian jerboa;
- 覚 : Japanese variant of 覺|觉;
- 觉 : to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware;
- 觖 : dissatisfied;
- 觼 : buckle; clasp; ring;
- 诀 : farewell; secrets (of an art);
- 谲 : deceitful;
- 貜 : (ape);
- 趹 : to gallop;
- 蹶 : to stumble; to trample; to kick (of horse);
- 躩 : bend; leap;
- 鈌 : to pierce, to stab; to take;
- 镢 : mattock; hoe;
- 鴂 : tailorbird (Orthotomus spp.); weaver bird (family Ploceidae); variant of 鴃[jue2], shrike; cuckoo;
- 鴃 : shrike;
Sentences examples with 绝
Tā jùjuéle dàjiā de yāoqǐng.
Words containing 绝, by HSK level
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 拒绝 (jù jué) : to refuse; to decline; to reject
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 绝对 (jué duì) : absolute; unconditional
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 杜绝 (dù jué) : put an end to
- 断绝 (duàn jué) : to sever; to break off
- 绝望 (jué wàng) : desperation; forlorn; hopeless
- 空前绝后 (kōng qián jué hòu) : unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique
- 络绎不绝 (luò yì bù jué) : continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
- 滔滔不绝 (tāo tāo bù jué) : unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-stop; gabbling forty to the dozen
- 谢绝 (xiè jué) : to refuse politely