Simplified/traditional character
耰 English definition
- harrow
- harrow
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 优 : excellent; superior;
- 呦 : Oh! (exclamation of dismay etc); see 呦呦[you1 you1];
- 幽 : remote; hidden away; secluded; serene; peaceful; to imprison; in superstition indicates the underworld; ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces;
- 忧 : to worry; to concern oneself with; worried; anxiety; sorrow; a parent's funeral; inconvenienced by being orphaned;
- 悠 : long or drawn out; remote in time or space; leisurely; to swing; pensive; worried;
- 憂 : worry
- 攸 : distant, far; adverbial prefix;
- 櫌 : harrow;
- 鄾 : place name;
- 麀 : doe; female deer; mother deer; mother animal;
- 𢆶 : 㚇