Simplified/traditional character
良 English definition
- good
- very
- very much
- good
- very
- very much
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 凉 : (liang4) to let sth cool down; (liang2) cool; cold; the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421);
- 梁 : name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods; surname Liang;
- 粮 : grain; food; provisions; agricultural tax paid in grain;
- 粱 : sorghum;
- 踉 : jump;
Words containing 良, by HSK level
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 良好 (liáng hǎo) : good; favorable; well; fine
- 善良 (shàn liáng) : good and honest; kind-hearted
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 改良 (gǎi liáng) : improve
- 良心 (liáng xīn) : conscience