Simplified/traditional character
蓍 English definition
- yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
- yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 䴓 : nuthatch (bird of genus Sitta);
- 失 : to lose; to miss; to fail;
- 尸 : person representing the dead (during burial ceremonies); to put a corpse on display (after execution); variant of 屍|尸[shi1]; corpse;
- 师 : teacher; master; expert; model; army division; (old) troops; to dispatch troops;
- 師 : division
- 施 : to grant; to give; to bestow; to act; to carry out;
- 浉 : Shi, name of river in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan;
- 湿 : moist; wet;
- 溮 : river in Henan province;
- 狮 : lion;
- 絁 : rough, indelicate silk;
- 葹 : Xanthium strumarium;
- 虱 : louse;
- 诗 : poem; CL:首[shou3]; poetry; verse;
- 邿 : place name;
- 酾 : strain;
- 鰤 : Seriola qinqueradiata; yellow tail;
- 鸤 : turtledove;