Simplified character
Traditional character
诸 English definition
- all
- various
- all
- various
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 侏 : dwarf;
- 朱 : vermilion;
- 株 : tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; to involve others (in shady business);
- 槠 : Quercus glanca;
- 橥 : Zelkova acuminata;
- 洙 : name of a river;
- 潴 : pool; pond;
- 猪 : pork; pig; hog; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2];
- 珠 : bead; pearl; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1];
- 茱 : cornelian cherry;
- 蠩 : a toad;
- 諸 : various
- 诛 : to put (a criminal) to death; to punish;
- 跦 : pace back and forth; to walk;
- 邾 : name of a feudal state;
- 铢 : twenty-fourth part of a tael (2 or 3 grams);
- 駯 : black muzzle (of a horse);
Words containing 诸, by HSK level
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 诸位 (zhū wèi) : (pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs