Simplified character
Traditional character
读 English definition
- to read
- to study
- reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 㱩 : abortion; stillborn;
- 椟 : cabinet; case; casket;
- 毒 : poison; to poison; poisonous; malicious; cruel; fierce; narcotics;
- 渎 : disrespectful; (literary) ditch;
- 牍 : documents;
- 犊 : calf; sacrificial victim;
- 独 : alone; independent; single; sole; only;
- 読 : Japanese variant of 讀|读;
- 讟 : to murmur; to slander;
- 贕 : still-born chick (in unhatched egg); variant of 殰|㱩[du2];
- 韣 : bow case;
- 髑 : skull;
- 黩 : blacken; constantly; to insult;
Sentences examples with 读
Wǒ dúle bā běn shū. -
Nǐ huì dú zhège hànzì ma? -
Nǐ xǐhuān dúshū ma? -
Wǒ xǐhuān dúshū. -
他 30 岁而且……读完大学。
Tā 30 suì érqiě……dú wán dàxué.
Words containing 读, by HSK level
HSK 1 vocabulary list
读 (dú): to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
HSK 4 vocabulary list
- 阅读 (yuè dú) : to read; reading
HSK 5 vocabulary list
- 朗读 (lǎng dú) : read aloud; read loudly and clearly