Simplified/traditional character
踣 English definition
- corpse
- prostrate
- corpse
- prostrate
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 亳 : name of district in Anhui; capital of Yin;
- 伯 : father's elder brother; senior; paternal elder uncle; eldest of brothers; respectful form of address; Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4];
- 僰 : name of an ethnic group;
- 勃 : flourishing; prosperous; suddenly; abruptly;
- 博 : extensive; ample; rich; obtain; aim; to win; to get; plentiful; to gamble;
- 壆 : stiff, hard clay or rocky strata; crack in a jar;
- 帛 : silk;
- 搏 : to fight; to combat; to seize; (of heart) to beat;
- 桲 : flail;
- 欂 : rafter;
- 浡 : full; gushing (of fountain);
- 渤 : same as 渤海[Bo2 Hai3], Bohai Sea between Liaoning and Shandong; Gulf of Zhili or Chihli;
- 礴 : to fill; to extend;
- 箔 : plaited matting (of rushes, bamboo etc); silkworm basket; metal foil; foil paper;
- 脖 : neck;
- 膊 : shoulder; upper arm;
- 舶 : sea-going vessels; ship;
- 葧 : Heleocharis plantaginea;
- 襮 : embroidered collar; expose;
- 鋍 : old term for beryllium, now written 鈹|铍[pi2]; variant of 鈸|钹[bo2], cymbals;
- 钹 : cymbals;
- 铂 : platinum (chemistry);
- 镈 : ancient musical intrument shaped as a bell; hoe; spade;
- 馎 : rice cake;
- 駮 : 豩
- 驳 : variegated; heterogeneous; to refute; to contradict; to ship by barge; a barge; a lighter (ship);
- 髆 : shoulder blade;
- 鹁 : woodpidgeon;