Simplified/traditional character
邸 English definition
- lodging-house
- lodging-house
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 呧 : vex;
- 底 : background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants;
- 弤 : carved bow;
- 抵 : to press against; to support; to prop up; to resist; to equal; to balance; to make up for; to mortgage; to arrive at;
- 柢 : foundation; root;
- 牴 : to butt; resist;
- 砥 : baffle (pier); whetstone;
- 菧 : stibene;
- 觝 : to butt; resist;
- 诋 : to defame; to slander;
- 骶 : sacrum (anatomy); bone forming the base of the spinal column;