Simplified/traditional character
郔 English definition
(place name)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 严 : tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father;
- 厳 : Japanese variant of 嚴|严;
- 嚴 : strict
- 塩 : Japanese variant of 鹽|盐;
- 妍 : beautiful;
- 岩 : cliff; rock;
- 嵒 : rock
- 巌 : Japanese variant of 巖[yan2];
- 延 : to prolong; to extend; to delay;
- 揅 : grind fine; study; research;
- 檐 : eaves; ledge or brim;
- 沿 : along; to follow (a line, tradition etc); to carry on; to trim (a border with braid, tape etc); border; edge;
- 炎 : flame; inflammation; -itis;
- 盐 : salt; CL:粒[li4];
- 研 : to grind; study; research;
- 碞 : cliff;
- 筵 : bamboo mat for sitting;
- 綖 : cap tassels;
- 莚 : bamboo mat; feast, banquet;
- 蜒 : slug;
- 言 : words; speech; to say; to talk;
- 讠 : speech or words radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149); see also 言字旁[yan2 zi4 pang2];
- 閻 : Yan
- 阎 : Yama; gate of village; surname Yan;
- 颜 : face; color; countenance
- 麣 : goat (archaic);