Simplified character
Traditional character
锲 English definition
- to cut
- to carve
- to engrave
- to chisel
- fig. to chisel away at
- to cut
- to carve
- to engrave
- to chisel
- fig. to chisel away at
HSK levels
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 切 : (qie4) definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4]; (qie1) to cut; to slice; tangent (math);
- 妾 : concubine; I, your servant (deprecatory self-reference for women);
- 帹 : man's headband (arch.);
- 怯 : timid; cowardly; rustic; Taiwan pr. [que4];
- 惬 : cheerful; satisfied;
- 挈 : to raise; to lift; to take along (e.g. one's family);
- 朅 : to leave; to abandon;
- 窃 : to steal; secretly; (humble) I;
- 箧 : chest; box; trunk; suitcase; portfolio;
- 踥 : to walk with small steps;
Words containing 锲, by HSK level
HSK 6 vocabulary list
- 锲而不舍 (qiè ér bù shě) : to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts