Simplified/traditional character
陴 English definition
- parapet
- parapet
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 啤 : beer;
- 埤 : low wall;
- 毗 : to adjoin; to border on;
- 疲 : weary;
- 皮 : leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty;
- 笓 : to comb; fine-toothed comb; trap for prawns;
- 罴 : brown bear;
- 脾 : spleen;
- 芘 : Malva sylvestris;
- 蚽 : a kind of insect (old);
- 蜱 : tick (zoology);
- 郫 : place name;
- 铍 : beryllium (chemistry);
- 阰 : mountain in ancient Chu;
- 鼙 : drum carried on horseback;
- 𣬉 : 㐌