Simplified character
Traditional character
飏 English definition
- to soar
- to fly
- to float
- variant of 揚|扬[yang2], to scatter
- to spread
- to soar
- to fly
- to float
- variant of 揚|扬[yang2], to scatter
- to spread
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 佯 : to feign; to pretend;
- 垟 : clay sheep buried with the dead;
- 徉 : to walk back and forth;
- 扬 : to raise; to hoist; the action of tossing or winnowing; scattering (in the wind); to flutter; to propagate;
- 旸 : rising sun; sunshine;
- 昜 : to open out, to expand; bright, glorious;
- 杨 : poplar;
- 洋 : vast; ocean; foreign; silver dollar or coin;
- 炀 : molten; smelt;
- 烊 : molten; smelt;
- 疡 : ulcers; sores;
- 羊 : sheep; goat; CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1];
- 蛘 : a weevil found in rice etc;
- 钖 : ornaments on headstall of horse;
- 阳 : sun; male principle (Taoism); positive (electric.); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1];