Simplified/traditional character
骺 English definition
- epiphysis (end of a long bone)
- epiphysis (end of a long bone)
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 侯 : marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; nobleman or high official;
- 喉 : throat; larynx;
- 猴 : monkey; CL:隻|只[zhi1];
- 瘊 : wart;
- 睺 : (appears as phonetic ho, especially in words taken from Sanskrit); half-blind (archaic);
- 篌 : (mus. instr.);
- 糇 : dry provisions;
- 鍭 : metal arrowhead;
- 鯸 : blowfish;