Simplified character
Traditional character
鲩 English definition
- carp
- carp
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 唤 : call
- 奂 : excellent;
- 宦 : imperial official; court eunuch;
- 幻 : fantasy;
- 患 : to suffer (from illness); to contract (a disease); misfortune; trouble; danger; worry;
- 换 : to exchange; to change (clothes etc); to substitute; to switch; to convert (currency);
- 擐 : pass through; to get into (armor);
- 槵 : soapberry (order Sapindales);
- 浣 : to wash; to rinse; any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty); Taiwan pr. [huan3]; also pr. [wan3];
- 涣 : to dissipate; to dissolve;
- 漶 : indecipherable;
- 焕 : brilliant; lustrous;
- 痪 : illness; numbness of the limbs;
- 豢 : to rear; to raise (animals);
- 轘 : to tear between chariots (as punishment);
- 逭 : to escape from;