Simplified/traditional character
鹮 English definition
- spoonbill
- ibis
- family Threskiornidae
- spoonbill
- ibis
- family Threskiornidae
Characters with the same pronunciation
- 圜 : circle; encircle;
- 嬛 : (used in names);
- 寰 : large domain; extensive region;
- 桓 : Chinese soapberry (Sapindus mukurossi); big; pillar (old);
- 洹 : name of a river;
- 澴 : to return (of waves);
- 环 : ring; hoop; loop; (chain) link; classifier for scores in archery etc; to surround; to encircle; to hem in;
- 瓛 : scepter;
- 缳 : to bind; to tie; lace; noose (for suicide); hangman's noose;
- 荁 : (vegetable); Viola vaginata;
- 萑 : (reeds);
- 貆 : badger;
- 锾 : ancient unit of weight; money;
- 镮 : (ancient weight); metal ring;
- 阛 : wall around a market place;
- 雈 : type of owl;
- 鬟 : a knot of hair on top of head;